2013년 10월 28일 월요일

[U.S.A.] South Charlotte church joined others around the globe to help with the World Wide blood shortage

Christ AhnSahngHong and God the Mother say "To give love is more blessed than to recieve as, God always gives love".  The members of  the World Mission Society Church of God have this God's teaching in their hearts and practice. WMSCOG  love you!!! 

TV: WSOC-ABC                   Date : December 31, 2012 


Anchor: Well at South Charlotte church joined others around the globe to help with the World Wide blood shortage. More than hundred and fifty countries held similar blood drives to the one at the World Mission Society church of God yesterday. Our witnesses’ news talks to the members they just wanted to help those in need. 

Member: In so many ways, so many places, people are struggling without the physical blood so, you know, I wanted to give my part and participate in the community blood drive 

Anchor: Goes to hundred donors gave blood yesterday

2013년 10월 17일 목요일

(INDIA) World Mission Society Church conducts blood drive

World Mission Society Church of God conducts blood drive

2nd comming Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother saved us by their precious blood of the Passover of  the new covenant.  According to the teachings of God, the members of the World mission society church of God drive blood and save the people.


The members of the World Mission Society Church of God in Panaji, India, held a blood drive to enlighten people on the sanctity of human life and to share Mother's love with the neighbors suffering from diseases.

2013년 10월 9일 수요일

[Mexico] Volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God and a Kitlas organization cooperated to clean up the Pesquería River

"You are the salt of the earth......You are the light of the world......[Mt 5:13~14]

The members of the World Mission Society Church of God try to carry out an errand of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.                                        

Newspaper: ABC De Monterrey       Date: January 28, 2013

Dozens of volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God and a Kitlas organization, supported by the Monterrey Public Service, performed a clean-up campaign around the Pesquería River in Riberas del Rio, northwest of Monterrey.

Jose Luis Hernandez, a member of the Church of God, explained that this clean-up activity was designed to awaken universal our consciousness to improve the region in which we all live.

"The love of God makes us see and do things that we cannot do with our strength," said the young man. He also added that the environmental clean-up campaign has been being carried out simultaneously around the world.

He stressed that activities like this have been performed three times in Guadeloupe and two times in Monterrey since the beginning of 2012.

"We hope that this activity reaches the hearts of all people so that they can see beyond what they can do," said Hernandez.

We truly want to become the children who resemble Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother!


2013년 10월 2일 수요일

[GERMANY] Clean-up Campaign at Monopteros

God calls us the light of the world and also the salt of the earth.(Mt 5:13-16) The World Mission Society Church of God follows Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother's teaching.


Schwabing, Munich.

Beer and bottles, bottle caps, cigarette butts, paper waste and broken glass: The clean-up activity of the members of the “World Mission Society Church of God” was worth it. The environmental clean-up campaign was carried out simultaneously in more than 150 countries. The event was held in preparation of the Passover feast, which is celebrated by the Church on April 24 around the world.